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New breeding model 2020: get rich by raising crickets


Breeding crickets is a hot breeding model with great income today. Our childhood was associated with the lovely brave cricket in the story “Cricket of adventure” by To Hoai. But did you know that nowadays people can raise crickets and get rich from it too! Let’s find out this interesting and lucrative farming model!


The habitat of crickets

Crickets often live under green grasslands, bushes, ruins or in deep underground burrows.


raise crickets

Crickets have 3 common colors: jet black, red brown and turmeric yellow. With a pair of antennae twice the length of the body, it has the function of locating the way and finding food.

Crickets have 6 legs with 2 hind legs to help crickets jump fast and far.

Men crickets have the characteristics of living in groups, have an aggressive, aggressive nature or fight with other male crickets, while female crickets are more gentle.

Raising crickets to get rich

Crickets are increasingly being raised at home by many people because of their high economic value and simple farming techniques, so people can completely raise them. Crickets are easy-to-raise insects that can be reared according to an industrial model.

Besides, crickets have good reproductive ability, so they bring high economic profits. In particular, waste from insects is insignificant, does not cause stench, can be raised indoors, rural or urban. Crickets can be raised in the following ways:

Cricket farming techniques

Unique cricket farming model
Cricket farming model

– Raised in plastic containers: use containers with a capacity of about 60l, with lids to raise; Note poke small holes to create ventilation on the lid of the box

– Raised in styrofoam containers: choose a good quality container to ensure that the crickets bite through the box and crawl out, causing losses.

– Feed in trays: use rectangular trays and stack small boxes on top of each other

Growing in plastic pots: use pots about 35-40cm high, 40-50cm wide

In addition, it is possible to take advantage of other materials to raise crickets such as corrugated iron boxes, wooden crates, lu… is one of the spaces for the crickets to live, molt and hide from enemies.

Each time they molt, crickets are very soft and easily bitten by their fellow humans, so it is necessary to create a lot of living space for crickets to avoid loss in breeding.

OLDUsed paper or crumpled newspaper are useful for keeping crickets. The bottom of the pot is lined with a layer of paper for the crickets to gnaw. Food trays can use old trays, cement trays. Carefully roughen the food tray so the crickets can climb.

Soil for crickets usually uses sandy soil in the ratio of 2 soil: 1 sand.

Choose breed

Men's food

Choose big, strong crickets with enough antennae, wings and legs. Breeders pair them in a ratio of 1 male: 2 female, depending on the type of farming that determines the number of seed crickets.

Tips to distinguish male and female crickets:

+ Male crickets have brownish-black wings that are not smooth. Can be called to flirt with children.

+ The winged crickets are black and smooth. The abdomen is larger than the male cricket because it has eggs and has a trough to lay eggs in the tail. The trough resembles a sewing needle so that crickets can stick to the ground to lay eggs.

Food for crickets

Food for crickets is diverse, they can eat all kinds of grass (both hay and fresh grass), sweet potato leaves, papaya leaves, cassava leaves, water spinach, cucumbers, watermelon pulp, plant roots… In addition Breeders can add bran for grinding, ensuring enough drinking water for crickets.

Breeders should use a flower sprayer to ensure enough moisture and place a small tray of water to prevent crickets from slipping and dying. Spray 2 to 3 times a day depending on the weather.

How to breed crickets

A female cricket lays a lot of eggs at a time, the fertilized eggs will hatch after 9-12 days, on average a female cricket can produce about 2,000 chicks. Juveniles are usually hatched in the spring and mature a few weeks later (usually 40-45 days) and begin to reproduce when they are 50-55 days old.

The ratio of 1 male: 2 female is applied, small buckets release 15 males: 30 newly matured females, large buckets release 25 males: 50 females.

Signs of Crickets about to give birth: Female crickets often retreat and often poke the needle in the tail into the ground. At this time, just put the trough in and the crickets will lay immediately. Crickets lay within 20 to 30 days.

Egg incubation technique

Egg incubation bucket is designed: the bottom of the bucket is arranged with a layer of soil about 1 cm thick, 3 cm wide. Continue to place 3 egg trays in the middle of the bucket and cover it with a thin layer of grass.

Every day, it is recommended to spray water 1 to 2 times to keep moisture or before putting the egg tray into the hatchery. Need to prepare a wet towel to put under the tray and then put the eggs on. To finish, cover the container, change the towel every 3 to 4 days to keep moisture. Hatching eggs need a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius after 8 to 12 days to hatch.

When the crickets are fully hatched, take out the egg tray and transfer the baby crickets to a nursery bucket to raise separately.

Disease prevention when raising crickets

The most common disease in crickets is intestinal disease. The cause of this disease is because the density of crickets is too much, the environment is too hot and humid, the food and water are not changed regularly, so it is mixed with feces.

Therefore, the measure is to regularly check and clean the environment for raising crickets.

Currently, crickets are often used as food for establishments raising birds, ornamental fish, ornamental chickens, frogs, scorpions, geckos, snakes, used as bait for fishermen and processed a number of dishes in the fishery. eateries, restaurants. Thai Cricket is currently a popular food in the market because it is rich in nutritional value and is clean right from the start.

From crickets can be processed many different dishes, such as: deep-fried crickets, grilled crickets, fried crickets, fried crickets with salt and pepper, braised with pepper, or fried with butter….With the price from 150,000-200,000 VND/kg crickets frozen processing.

Currently, there have been many successful models of commercial cricket farming by farmers, and people nearby can also visit and learn.

– Cricket farm of Mr. Le Thanh Trung in hamlet 6, Trieu Thuan commune, Trieu Phong, Quang Tri).

– Mr. Phan Ngoc Vu’s cricket farm is in An Phu hamlet, An Hoa commune, Chau Thanh district, An Giang province.

–Cricket farm of Mr. Bui Van Lam in Tien Xuan commune, Thach That district, Hanoi.

– Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan’s cricket farm is in Thanh Le pine, Trieu Trung commune, Trieu Phong district, Thanh Hoa province.

Breeding crickets The result is a breeding model with low investment costs but brings stable economic profits. However, farmers still have to calculate carefully and properly invest in livestock to avoid losses.

Emilia Chaney
Emilia Chaney
My name is Emilia Chaney. I'm a social girl from Romania with a big smile and 3 passions: Agriculture, Travel and Social Media. I try to make this blog practical, full of great advice and inspiring ideas.

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