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Growing clean vegetables by hydroponic method

Growing clean vegetables by hydroponic method is not only counted by businesses but also by many people in their own gardens. With a passion for farming and the desire to bring “clean meals” to consumers, Mr. Nguyen Phuc Hau chose to grow hydroponic vegetables to start a business…

Nguyen Phuc Hau chose to start a hydroponic vegetable growing business and now he is the owner of a vegetable garden with rows of young green lettuce when he is only 30 years old.

As a resident of the largest agricultural area in the city, growing vegetables for Mr. Nguyen Phuc Hau is quite simple. However, Mr. Hau wants to find a new direction for himself, bringing higher efficiency than the traditional way of growing vegetables.

In addition to continuing to grow clean vegetables at home, Mr. Phuc decided to invest nearly 700 million VND to build a membrane house with a system of hydroponic rigs, automatic watering, with an area of ​​​​nearly 1,000 m2. Equipment from greenhouses to hydroponic systems is designed according to advanced agricultural standards from Israel. The entire system in the greenhouse is controlled automatically, helping the care process on the system to ensure adequate nutrients, helping the plants to grow best and with the least effort.

Mr. Hau prepares vegetables to be put into the Co.op Mart supermarket system.  Photo: Tran Trung.

Mr. Hau prepares vegetables to be put into the Co.op Mart supermarket system. Image: Tran Trung.

Mr. Hau said: “Based on the consumer demand for clean vegetables, I boldly researched and learned about the hydroponic vegetable growing model. Although the investment cost is quite high, I am still determined to build, in order to create a source of clean food for my family and provide clean and safe products to the market.

Advantages of growing clean vegetables by hydroponics method

Mr. Hau also added that the hydroponic vegetable growing method has many outstanding advantages compared to the traditional soil cultivation method. This method is friendly to both the environment and the producer. In particular, this planting method isolates the product from the surface of the soil, so it helps the plant to avoid common pests and diseases such as fungi, pests, etc. The condition of plants with pests and diseases is minimized, so the need The need for the use of pesticides for vegetables is also limited.

Hau's salad garden is green, everyone wants to enjoy it right at the garden.  Photo: Tran Trung.

Hau’s salad garden is green, everyone wants to enjoy it right at the garden. Image: Tran Trung.

The requirement to create a clean and safe vegetable product is always a top priority, so Mr. Hau does not use chemical pesticides in the process of growing and caring.

The hydroponic method also helps plants to grow and develop well, with little care, the survival rate is over 95%, after 5 to 6 weeks it has been harvested, the average weight of each vegetable plant reaches 200 up to 250 grams.

Sharing his experience and techniques in growing hydroponic vegetables, he said: “Actually, hydroponic vegetables are very easy to grow, not as difficult as many people think. When planting seeds, it is necessary to pour a little water into the sponge to keep it moist, about a week for the plants to germinate. When the plants are half a month old, they will be separated, put in plastic baskets and put on the planting rig. All nutrients have been mixed into a large drum, watered once every hour, every 15 minutes, do not water at night. Because the watering system I have installed automatically, just turn on and turn off the timer, so it is very convenient.

Mr. Hau checks the temperature and nutrition for the vegetable garden.  Photo: Tran Trung.
Mr. Hau checks the temperature and nutrition for the vegetable garden.  Photo: Tran Trung.

Mr. Hau checks the temperature and nutrition for the vegetable garden. Image: Tran Trung.

Currently, Mr. Hau’s vegetable garden provides the market with more than 100 kg of clean vegetables/day with the selling price of over 22,000 VND/kg, and the entire output is covered by the Co.op Mart supermarket system. After deducting expenses, Mr. Hau earns more than 1 million VND/day.

Mr. Hau shared that, from the initial success, in order to expand production development, in addition to salads, he will plant many different types of green vegetables such as collard greens, spinach, chrysanthemum, water spinach and moving forward. growing herbs of all kinds to serve synchronously for the raw vegetable chain, ensuring safety and quality. Besides, he will strengthen the promotion so that local people can access to use more clean vegetable products.

Mr. Hau inspects the nursery.  Photo: Tran Trung.

Mr. Hau inspects the nursery. Image: Tran Trung.

Disadvantages of growing clean vegetables by hydroponic method

Besides the outstanding advantages that this method brings, the method also has some limitations. According to Chairman of Trung Lap Thuong Commune Farmers’ Association, Mr. Vo Duc Huy, said that with the large initial investment cost, Mr. Hau’s hydroponic vegetable model is highly appreciated for its productivity, quality and efficiency. economy. Mr. Hau has also repeatedly introduced planting and care techniques to local farmers to improve economic efficiency. Farmers in many provinces in the South Central region and the Mekong Delta also came to learn about this model.

The uniform vegetable growth rate is over 95%.  Photo: Tran Trung.

The uniform vegetable growth rate is over 95%. Image: Tran Trung.

However, Mr. Huy said that due to the high initial cost, many farmers have not yet dared to invest. “Growing clean vegetables by hydroponic method is a new agricultural model applying high technology for farmers in the current crop restructuring. The initial investment cost is large, requires technical care as well as a stable product output market. Therefore, it is very necessary for the attention and support of all levels, sectors and localities to replicate and develop this model widely in the coming time”, Mr. Huy said.


Emilia Chaney
Emilia Chaney
My name is Emilia Chaney. I'm a social girl from Romania with a big smile and 3 passions: Agriculture, Travel and Social Media. I try to make this blog practical, full of great advice and inspiring ideas.

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