Home Agriculture Farming Techniques for growing glutinous corn for high yield

Techniques for growing glutinous corn for high yield

Techniques for growing glutinous corn for high yield

Glutinous corn is a kind of rustic food used by most people. Over the years, the demand for glutinous rice has been increasing day by day. Since then, people have planted sticky corn in large fields. So today, Agri would like to share it with everyone Glutinous corn farming techniques High productivity. Please take a look at the following article.

  1. Part time

Seasonality is an important factor related to productivity, depending on the specific weather conditions of each ecological region (climate, weather and heat regime) there are different seasonal calendars (should arrange planting season as recommended by local authorities to match the seasonal structure in the region).

  1. Land work

Maize is a type of crop with high growth and development ability. Therefore, in order to avoid the phenomenon of falling, causing yield damage later, the soil needs to be plowed, harrowed carefully (should be plowed 20-25 cm deep) and milled small to create conditions for strong root growth, increasing the ability to grow. against falling, falling for trees.

As a crop less tolerant of waterlogging, in the crop, when it rains a lot, the land for corn needs to be drained or raised to high beds to limit waterlogging. In the winter crop, in order to make good use of the favorable weather and take the initiative for the next crop, on two-rice land should use the method of sowing pot corn, corn cake, minimal tillage, ice, beds to drain water. and prevent waterlogging for maize at the beginning of the crop.

Tilling, planting, fertilizing, sowing seeds
Tilling, planting, fertilizing, sowing seeds
  1. Choose varieties

Currently, on the Vietnamese market, there are many varieties of maize with high yield potential (7-12 tons/ha) and a number of transgenic maize varieties that are resistant to pests and herbicides suitable for production. intensive farming to increase productivity and increase economic efficiency. Based on the season, soil quality and investment level, choose suitable varieties according to the principle: Crops with high temperature background choose medium and long-term varieties, crops with low temperature background choose short-term varieties; Good soil, intensive farming conditions, select varieties with high yield potential and vice versa.

  1. Sowing corn

The amount of seed sown is from 15-20kg/ha (depending on variety and planting density), some seeds are sown in pots to grow miles.

Density is a factor closely related to productivity. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, season, barefoot and intensive farming ability to arrange the appropriate density. Long-day varieties, good soil, high temperature and humidity (Summer-Autumn, Autumn-Winter crops) should be planted at low density, and vice versa, varieties with short days, poor soil, low temperature (Winter-spring crops) should be planted at high density. High.

– The current popular planting density is from 5.7 to 7.1 thousand plants/ha.

– The distance can be arranged: rows 70cm apart, plants 20-25cm apart (sowing 1 seed), or rows 60cm apart, plants 25-30cm apart (sowing 1 seed).

  1. Fertilize corn

In fact, the survey results show that maize yield is still not commensurate with the yield potential of the region and of the variety. The reason is partly due to the unbalanced use of fertilizers for corn plants, excess nitrogen, lack of potassium and micronutrients.

Average yield of 6 tons of seeds/ha, maize has taken away from the soil a significant amount of nutrients: 150kg N, 60kg P2O5110 kg CZK2O, 16kg MgO, 25kg CaO, 8kg S, 16kg SiO2, 0.5kg Zn… in practice, the supply of nutrients to maize through fertilizers is still limited, usually only 60-80% depending on each factor and especially the intermediate and trace elements are still not are concerned. As a voracious crop, if you grow maize monoculture continuously for many years, the soil will be greatly reduced in fertility (decreased soil pH, poor humus and nutritional imbalance).

Regularly fertilize for good growth of sticky corn
Regularly fertilize for good growth of sticky corn

To contribute to improving productivity and quality of agricultural products. Tien Nong Agro-Industry Joint Stock Company recommends the solution package “Synchronous nutrition for maize plants”: Improve soil acidity and fertility with Tien Nong soil pH regulator, providing nutrients for Plants with a set of specialized nutritional products Maize “NPKSi Specializing in Maize” and “NPKSi Specializing in Maize” in order to provide adequate and balanced nutrition for plants to help increase productivity and increase the quality of agricultural products, contributing to bring high economic efficiency in production.

  1. Take care of

– Miles of trees in case of corn fields are lost about: Use gourds to grow miles when corn has 2-3 leaves to ensure density.

– Prune the plants at a time when the corn plants are 3-5 leaves and stabilize the density when the corn plants are 6-7 leaves.

Dry soil, if conditions permit, should be watered so that maize can grow well for high yield at important periods such as:

+ Plant period 7-9 leaves after fertilizing 2-3 days, watering 1/3 of the bed.

+ In the period before flowering, 10-15 days, watering 2/3 of the beds will be evenly absorbed and then drained.

+ Period: When the corn is wilted, water 1/3 of the bed and then drain it.

– If it rains heavily, making the soil wet, it is necessary to drain the water and stir to prevent the corn from becoming waterlogged, especially during the seedling period.

  1. Harvest

Determine when to harvest corn by observing the corn kernels at the top and bottom of the fruit. When the leaves are dry, the seeds are hard, try the seeds, if the bottom of these seeds has a black layer, the seeds are ripe enough to harvest.



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